Village Living a
Christian Worldview
The Matthew 9:15 Project is building a coalition of families
to develop an environment for the purpose of fostering Christian conservatism.
Called Yahweh Village, it will be a place for 250 families to Live, Work, Play
& Praise a Christian Worldview while promoting Charity.
Start with the Book*
To understand the concept of Yahweh Village, start with the book, A Radical Old Idea.
This work of fiction entertains & explains what village living is and why it is benefical.
*100% of the proceeds go to The Matthew 9:15 Project fund!
Why Christian Village Living?
Because Christians Need to Re-Prioritize and Establish a Refuge
The evolution of community has taken us further away from God and His design for the way we should live. While the city evolved to bring many quality of life improvements, it also brought bottom-feeders, crime, deteriorating education, traffic and other negatives. Thus, the city begat suburbia which was the solution to the ills created by the city. But, suburbia wasn't formed with the idea of community commonality. On the contrary, it introduced physical distance between people and their activities and relationships. This distance costs us not only travel time (especially with ever-worsening traffic), but also limits our opportunities to engage with one another. Today's parents have so little margin that the only quality time with their kids is time traveling in the car. To make up for the lack of a real relationship, parents often choose to give their kids iPads and smart phones, but that "stuff" only serves to further disconnect them. What about safety? At one time It may have been safer in suburbia, but no longer. Even in suburbia few parents feel comfortable letting their children play in the front yard without them in sight. Lastly, the education options include either homeschooling, spending an unhealthy amount of money each year on private school or handing our kids off to a public education system that is least-common-denominator driven and becoming completely God-less.
Our priorities are all wrong. Christians should live in smaller communities that have great impact on their young and elderly, take responsibility for the land on which they live and have a much more God-focused, family-centered approach to living.
The Matthew 9:15 Project Offers a Solution!
Thanks to two major advancements in technology, village living is a feasible alternative:
- Telecommuting allows many breadwinners to now earn a living from anywhere in the world.
- Almost anything a community might need can be obtained in a mere 2 days time.
Let's use these gifts from God to our advantage. Let's build a village!
Mission Statement
Yahweh Village's mission is to become a blindling light of goodness to all people as well as a cultural center for Christian art, music, philosophy, history, education, thought, outreach, giving and leadership.
Vision Statement
Yahweh Village's vision is to be a Christ-centered, multi-generational community focused on raising Godly children & families, encouraging Christ-like outreach & serving as a model for other communities throughout the world.
A Radical Old Idea
On Christian Fundamentals:
"I envision a place where Christians can rise above the noise and get beyond the basics to elevate Christian understanding, Christian giving, and Christian fellowship. When Christians are forced to rehash rudimentary morality and the basics of right and wrong over and over and over, it takes away from advancing forward."
A Radical Old Idea
On Living a Worldview:
"By living in a secular world filled with people who live immature and failed ideologies, I am forced to dilute my faith. I am obligated to tolerate, rather than being encouraged to elevate. I don't like that realization, so I've set out to fix it."
A Radical Old Idea
On Sacrifice:
"We have made decisions that are giving away a most precious and finite commodity - and, sadly, not even recognizing that we are doing it."
A Radical Old Idea
On Elevating:
"The best part about living near people who share my outlook is that they challenge me on the nuances of that outlook. Instead of trying to find common ground, we are finding higher ground, together. "
A Radical Old Idea
On Blurring Lines:
"I believe today's Christians far too often separate their lives into church and then the rest. Yahweh, in a wonderful way, blurs that line."
A Radical Old Idea
On Being a Pioneer:
"The reality is that as an early adopter of this grand experiment, the circumstances and timing will have to be perfect for those families that can move to Yahweh...I'm confident that there are two hundred forty-nine families who will be able to join me."
A Radical Old Idea
On Being a Christian:
"Right now, being a Christian can be somewhat confusing and very difficult. At Yahweh, it will be easy."
A Radical Old Idea
On Environmentalism:
"Just take a sample carbon footprint of a Yahweh resident and compare it to a standard non-Yahweh resident...These are just a sampling of the long-term environmental benefits of village living."
A Radical Old Idea
On Service:
"What we are building is a service community, one of the very few in the country. Two hundred fifty families brought together for the purpose of community fellowship and philanthropy. It is a great social experiment with a marginal downside but an enormous upside."
We Need You!
Whether you offer prayers, advocacy or financial support, we need your help to make Yahweh Village real
Matthew 21:22
And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.
If you, like us at The Matthew 9:15 Project, recognize the need for something completely different, pray for us. Your prayers, above all else, are needed.
Psalm 133:1
How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity.
We would love to hear from you. As Jeff says in the book, "It will take a village to build a village." Reach out via our social networks.
2 Corinthians 6:14
Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness?
If this project speaks to you, we would love your advocacy. Tell your friends, family, fellow church members...Everyone!
Isiah 32:18
My people will abide in a peaceful habitation, in secure dwellings, and in quiet resting places.
If you've prayed, connected and shared, check out our shop and buy a bumper sticker, t-shirt or signed book.
How To HelpStart A Conversation
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